Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has announced that an agreement has been reached to ensure there won’t be a shutdown before the November elections.
An agreement was reached with the White House and Republican leaders to have a six month continuation of government funding. Congress will vote on the package in September after returning from summer recess.
Reid said, “This agreement reached between the Senate, the House and the White House provides stability for the coming months, when we will have to resolve critical issues that directly affect middle class families. The funding levels in the six-month CR will correspond to the top-line funding level of $1.047 trillion. I hope that we can face the challenges ahead in the same spirit of compromise.”
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) confirmed the agreement in a separate statement, saying, “During the August district work period, committee members and their staff will write legislation that can be passed by the House and Senate in September and sent to President Obama to be signed into law.”