AFGE said in a recent statement that it has successfully lobbied to block the use of private screeners at Sacramento International Airport.
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in January 2012 voted to allow the Sacramento County Airport System to apply to TSA’s Screening Partnership Program, which allows commercial airports to apply to use private sector screeners. Of the nation’s 450 airports, only 16 use private contractors. The California Labor Federation passed a resolution opposing outsourcing at TSA, and members of the general public and the Sacramento City Council signed a constituent letter opposing the measure.
“AFGE is very pleased that the Sacramento Board recognizes the value in a federal workforce at TSA and has revoked its previous approval for privatization,” AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said. “The Sacramento airport authority’s attempt to abandon its public servants in favor of corporations with only profit in mind was short-sighted at best. There simply are some functions too important to be left to companies that would be unaccountable to the American people, and securing American skies is definitely one of them.”