President Obama proposed a 1% pay raise for federal employees next year as part of his 2015 budget proposal.
To date, Congress has not prohibited a raise, so the 1% raise would eventually become effective by default. For more on this see, Moving Toward a 1% Raise in 2015.
OPM has confirmed as much in a recent memo to chief human capital officers in which OPM director Katherine Archuleta stated:
The President’s budget for fiscal year 2015 proposes a total pay increase costing 1 percent of basic payroll. In other words, any across-the-board general increase in GS base rates combined with any locality pay increases (which could vary by locality pay area) would be limited to a 1 percent overall increase in the basic payroll. As of the date of this memorandum, the President has not exercised his alternative adjustment authorities or indicated whether the increase proposed in the budget would be implemented through an across-the-board increase in GS base rates and/or locality pay increases. The President would exercise his alternative plan authority for the GS base rate increase under 5 U.S.C. 5303 by August 31, 2014.