Retirement Claims Backlog Dips Slightly in March

The latest retirement processing status report from the Office of Personnel Management shows that the backlog of outstanding claims has come down slightly as of the end of March.

The Office of Personnel Management has released its latest report on the status of processing federal employees’ retirement applications. The latest figures show that the backlog has come down slightly as of the end of March.

OPM received 5,478 new claims in March and was able to process 8,898, bringing the total backlog down to 20,594 from 24,014 the month before.

However, OPM had projected that it would have a backlog of 16,942 claims and that it would process 11,000 claims in March, so it is running behind its own projections.

OPM received a surge of new claims in January in February (18,629 and 9,219, respectively) which more than doubled the backlog in the first part of 2015, so the numbers indicate that it is still struggling to recover from the flood of new applications.

The complete retirement processing status report is included below.

Month Projected Claims Received Projected Claims Processed Projected Inventory Claims Received Claims Processed Inventory % Processed in 60 days or less
Oct-13 8,400 11,500 19,142 7,484 11,027 14,176 n/a
Nov-13 8,400 11,500 16,042 5,672 5,714 14,134 n/a
Dec-13 8,400 11,500 12,942 4,952 6,449 12,637 n/a
Jan-14 19,000 8,700 23,242 17,383 8,724 21,296 n/a
Feb-14 9,800 9,400 23,642 12,025 9,767 23,554 n/a
Mar-14 6,400 10,400 19,642 6,831 11,812 18,573 n/a
Apr-14 6,500 9,300 16,842 8,047 10,002 16,618 n/a
May-14 6,800 9,000 14,642 8,431 10,498 14,551 76.6%
Jun-14 8,000 8,100 14,542 6,627 8,787 12,391 77.3%
Jul-14 8,000 8,100 14,442 9,101 7,872 13,620 77.9%
Aug-14 7,400 8,000 13,842 6,795 7,318 13,097 78.5%
Sep-14 7,300 8,000 13,142 6,350 6,680 12,767 78.8%
Oct-14 7,800 8,500 12,442 10,155 8,785 14,137 83.2%
Nov-14 7,600 7,800 12,242 5,746 5,844 14,039 83.4%
Dec-14 5,600 6,500 11,342 4,077 6,447 11,669 83.7%
Jan-15 19,000 8,700 21,642 18,629 7,662 22,636 80.2%
Feb-15 9,700 9,800 21,542 9,219 7,841 24,014 80.6%
Mar-15 6,400 11,000 16,942 5,478 8,898 20,594 81.6%
Apr-15 6,700 9,600 14,042 n/a n/a n/a n/a
May-15 7,100 9,100 12,042 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jun-15 7,500 8,000 11,542 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jul-15 8,000 8,100 11,442 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Aug-15 7,400 7,600 11,242 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sep-15 7,300 7,500 11,042 n/a n/a n/a n/a


About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.