Q: I am a federal government employee with Social Security. I have 35 years and plan to retire in 2015. What is your advice for our TSP? Is it better to roll it into another plan or to leave it in TSP and take an annuity?
A: Because I am a retired fed, rather than a financial planner, I do not give advice on whether or not to rollover your TSP. I fall back on the old HR comment of “it depends.” Both myself and other FedSmith authors have written articles that discuss the things you should consider in deciding whether of not to rollover your TSP. You can look in the “TSP” section in the drop down menu that appears when you click on “News” in the navigation bar at the top of the FedSmith.com website as well as use the search box at the top of any page on FedSmith.com to search for articles on this subject.