The latest status report from the Office of Personnel Management shows that the backlog of outstanding claims now sits at just over 18,000.
OPM received 6,292 new claims in April and was able to process 8,660 which helped bring the backlog down to 18,226 from the previous month’s total of 20,594 claims, a reduction of 11.5%.
As of the end of April, OPM is running behind its own estimates. It had projected a backlog of 14,042 claims and estimated it would process 9,600 claims in April. OPM also estimated it would receive 6,700 new claims instead of the 6,292 actually received.
The latest figures are included below.
Month | Projected Claims Received | Projected Claims Processed | Projected Inventory | Claims Received | Claims Processed | Inventory | % Processed in 60 days or less |
Oct-13 | 8,400 | 11,500 | 19,142 | 7,484 | 11,027 | 14,176 | N/A |
Nov-13 | 8,400 | 11,500 | 16,042 | 5,672 | 5,714 | 14,134 | N/A |
Dec-13 | 8,400 | 11,500 | 12,942 | 4,952 | 6,449 | 12,637 | N/A |
Jan-14 | 19,000 | 8,700 | 23,242 | 17,383 | 8,724 | 21,296 | N/A |
Feb-14 | 9,800 | 9,400 | 23,642 | 12,025 | 9,767 | 23,554 | N/A |
Mar-14 | 6,400 | 10,400 | 19,642 | 6,831 | 11,812 | 18,573 | N/A |
Apr-14 | 6,500 | 9,300 | 16,842 | 8,047 | 10,002 | 16,618 | N/A |
May-14 | 6,800 | 9,000 | 14,642 | 8,431 | 10,498 | 14,551 | 76.6% |
Jun-14 | 8,000 | 8,100 | 14,542 | 6,627 | 8,787 | 12,391 | 77.3% |
Jul-14 | 8,000 | 8,100 | 14,442 | 9,101 | 7,872 | 13,620 | 77.9% |
Aug-14 | 7,400 | 8,000 | 13,842 | 6,795 | 7,318 | 13,097 | 78.5% |
Sep-14 | 7,300 | 8,000 | 13,142 | 6,350 | 6,680 | 12,767 | 78.8% |
Oct-14 | 7,800 | 8,500 | 12,442 | 10,155 | 8,785 | 14,137 | 83.2% |
Nov-14 | 7,600 | 7,800 | 12,242 | 5,746 | 5,844 | 14,039 | 83.4% |
Dec-14 | 5,600 | 6,500 | 11,342 | 4,077 | 6,447 | 11,669 | 83.7% |
Jan-15 | 19,000 | 8,700 | 21,642 | 18,629 | 7,662 | 22,636 | 80.2% |
Feb-15 | 9,700 | 9,800 | 21,542 | 9,219 | 7,841 | 24,014 | 80.6% |
Mar-15 | 6,400 | 11,000 | 16,942 | 5,478 | 8,898 | 20,594 | 81.6% |
Apr-15 | 6,700 | 9,600 | 14,042 | 6,292 | 8,660 | 18,226 | 72.6% |
May-15 | 7,100 | 9,100 | 12,042 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Jun-15 | 7,500 | 8,000 | 11,542 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Jul-15 | 8,000 | 8,100 | 11,442 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Aug-15 | 7,400 | 7,600 | 11,242 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Sep-15 | 7,300 | 7,500 | 11,042 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |