OPM Processes Over 10k Retirement Applications in October

The Office of Personnel Management processed over 10,000 retirement applications in October, however, there are still over 12,000 backlogged applications.

The Office of Personnel Management processed 10,438 retirement applications last month, a 31% increase over the previous month. Despite the improvement, there is still a large backlog of outstanding claims (12,642).

Along with the over 10,000 claims OPM processed in October, the agency only received 8,374 new applications, thus helping OPM to cut the backlog by 14%.

OPM beat its processing estimate for the month; it had projected it would process 8,500 claims. However, OPM also figured it would have an inventory of 10,342 backlogged claims so it missed that by 22%.

OPM also received more claims last month than it had anticipated, thus putting the reduction of the backlog into that much more of a positive light. The backlog of claims stood at 14,137 a year ago, so OPM is continuing to slowly make progress on pushing through the applications.

The last two months of the year have historically been months in which fewer new applications come in, so it will be interesting to see if OPM can continue to reduce the backlog to close out 2015 to get ready for the inevitable surge of new claims that usually comes in January.

The complete statistics are included below.

Month Projected Claims Received Projected Claims Processed Projected Inventory Claims Received Claims Processed Inventory
Oct-14 7,800 8,500 12,442 10,155 8,785 14,137
Nov-14 7,600 7,800 12,242 5,746 5,844 14,039
Dec-14 5,600 6,500 11,342 4,077 6,447 11,669
Jan-15 19,000 8,700 21,642 18,629 7,662 22,636
Feb-15 9,700 9,800 21,542 9,219 7,841 24,014
Mar-15 6,400 11,000 16,942 5,478 8,898 20,594
Apr-15 6,700 9,600 14,042 6,292 8,660 18,226
May-15 7,100 9,100 12,042 7,845 10,697 15,374
Jun-15 7,500 8,000 11,542 6,920 7,783 14,511
Jul-15 8,000 8,100 11,442 9,862 7,918 16,455
Aug-15 7,400 7,600 11,242 7,341 7,446 16,350
Sep-15 7,300 7,500 11,042 6,300 7,944 14,706
Oct-15 7,800 8,500 10,342 8,374 10,438 12,642
Nov-15 7,600 7,800 10,142
Dec-15 5,600 6,500 9,242


About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of FedSmith.com. He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.