Your TSP: How Do Your Investments Compare?

How do your TSP investments compare to other TSP investors? The latest available data from the TSP can provide some insight.

The November statistics for the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) show that the average balance for federal employees in the FERS system is $116,921. The average Roth account for these employees is $7,138.

For CSRS employees, the average balance is $118,935 and the average Roth balance is $11,564.

For military personnel, the average balance is $18,780 and the average Roth balance is $3,901.

35% of TSP investments are in the G fund and 28% in the C fund. 10% of investments are in the S fund, 5% in the I fund and 5% in the F fund. 17% of TSP investments are in the lifecycle funds.

The latest TSP figures show that the amount of money invested through the TSP is now in excess of $463 billion. There are now more than 4.8 million TSP plan participants and money being rolled into the TSP increased in November. Through November, $1.45 billion was rolled into the TSP which exceeded the 12 month total for 2014 which was $1.42 billion.

For those TSP investors interested in tracking an individual rate of return for your own investments (or even hypothetical ones for comparison), the

About the Author

Ralph Smith has several decades of experience working with federal human resources issues. He has written extensively on a full range of human resources topics in books and newsletters and is a co-founder of two companies and several newsletters on federal human resources. Follow Ralph on Twitter: @RalphSmith47