The November statistics for the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) show that the average balance for federal employees in the FERS system is $116,921. The average Roth account for these employees is $7,138.
For CSRS employees, the average balance is $118,935 and the average Roth balance is $11,564.
For military personnel, the average balance is $18,780 and the average Roth balance is $3,901.
35% of TSP investments are in the G fund and 28% in the C fund. 10% of investments are in the S fund, 5% in the I fund and 5% in the F fund. 17% of TSP investments are in the lifecycle funds.
The latest TSP figures show that the amount of money invested through the TSP is now in excess of $463 billion. There are now more than 4.8 million TSP plan participants and money being rolled into the TSP increased in November. Through November, $1.45 billion was rolled into the TSP which exceeded the 12 month total for 2014 which was $1.42 billion.
For those TSP investors interested in tracking an individual rate of return for your own investments (or even hypothetical ones for comparison), the