Q: I am a 62-year-old FERS employee with 31 years of federal service. I am planning to retire in 6 months. I will start collecting my Social Security and Federal pension, and I will also go to work with my brother in a part-time capacity. My part-time income would be $32,000 per year. All three incomes would keep me financially comfortable, however, I recently heard from a co-worker that if I work part-time while collecting Social Security income that I will be penalized. Is this true?
A: Your co-worker may very well be correct. It depends on a few factors.
If you meet the following 3 criteria, you will likely be subject to SSA benefits reduction:
- You have not reached your full retirement age (you can find this age on your annual SSA statement).
- You earn more than the “yearly earnings limit” (for 2016 that limit is: $15,720).
- You received Social Security retirement income benefits.
The reduction is $1 of SSA benefits for every $2 you earn above the earning limit. In your case, that would be a reduction in SSA benefits of $8,140 per year. ($32,000 – $15,720 = $16,280 ÷ 2 = $8,140).
Note: After you reach your full retirement age, SSA will not penalize your income, no matter how much you earn.
I know this is not the answer you were looking for, however, with a couple of small adjustments, you may still be able to retire and work for your brother. If you are interested in receiving some thoughts and insights on your situation by a Federal Retirement Specialist, I invite you to take advantage of my office’s free (no obligation) Federal Retirement Readiness Review.
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