President Obama released a video message with a final thank you message for federal employees during his last days in office.
“Before I leave office in a few weeks, I just wanted to thank you, one more time, for stepping forward to serve this country we love. I want you to know how much I admire the work that you do, day in and day out, and how deeply I appreciate your passion for public service, your professionalism, and the career path each of you has chosen,” the president said in his video message (see video above).
The video was streamed live on December 13 as part of a ceremony to honor the President’s 2016 Customer Service Award winners.
The White House also released a list of accomplishments of the federal workforce to recognize federal employees’ service to the country as part of the thank you message. Examples of accomplishments cited include ways federal employees have used technology to help consumers shop for mortgages and reduce wait times in airport security lines, partnering with local leaders to help revitalize communities, and streamlining the federal government’s purchasing practices to save taxpayers money.
The president concluded his message by saying, “Your good work has never been more important. As a citizen who will continue to rely on the enormous differences you make, I’m excited to see what all of you do next.”