Is Your Agency One of the ‘Best Places to Work?’

Which agencies are rated as the “best places to work” in the federal government this year?

The Partnership for Public Service has released its “Best Places to Work in the Federal Government” rankings for 2018. The rankings list the top agencies based on three different questions from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.

The ratings are broken out among large, medium and small agencies. Here is how the results came out this year:

Large Agencies

1.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2.  Department of Health and Human Services
3.  Department of Commerce
4.  Department of Transportation
5.  Intelligence Community
6.  Department of Veterans Affairs
7.  Office of the Secretary of Defense
7. Department of the Navy
9.  Department of the Interior
10.  Department of Justice

Mid-Size Agencies

  1. Federal Trade Commission
  2. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  3. Securities and Exchange Commission
  4. Government Accountability Office
  5. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  6. Peace Corps
  7. Smithsonian Institution
  8. National Science Foundation
  9. Architect of the Capitol
  10. General Services Administration

Small Agencies

  1. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
  2. U.S. International Trade Commission
  3. Congressional Budget Office
  4. Farm Credit Administration
  5. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  6. National Transportation Safety Board
  7. Office of Management and Budget
  8. National Endowment for the Humanities
  9. Federal Maritime Commission
  10. Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Summary of the 2018 Rankings

The Partnership for Public Service said that employee engagement was down for the majority of agencies in 2018, declining at 59.1% of federal organizations including in the rankings, while only 39.6% had increases.

This represents a stark contrast to the previous three years when more than 70% of federal organizations experienced gains in how employees viewed their jobs and workplace related issues.

The report also noted that there was a sharp drop in employee satisfaction in the three strongest drivers of employee engagement which are effective leadership, the match between employee skills and agency missions, and pay.

“This year’s rankings tell the tale of two governments,” said Max Stier, the president and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service. “One part of our government has agencies with committed leaders who are fostering high and improving levels of employee engagement. The other part of our government is handicapped by a lack of leadership that has led to static or declining employee engagement.”

Best Places to Work 2018

About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.