2018 has been a year with both successes and challenges for the federal community. As we draw to the end of this year and celebrate the Christmas season, we want to take a moment to acknowledge and give thanks to you, our readers.
We’re thankful to have readers like you. The service we provide to the federal community would not be possible without all of you reading our site. Our readers care about the federal community and keep abreast of events that impact all of us. You are engaged and concerned. You have thoughts to share (check out the comments on the articles), and the content we deliver to you in articles every day aims to inspire or drive conversations.
FedSmith is also fortunate to work with a number of authors with a wealth of experience and expertise in one or more aspects of the federal community who take time to share that expertise with you through their articles. We hope you will express your appreciation for articles of particular interest to you through the comments section or communicating directly with the authors through our website.
FedSmith is a small company and we work hard to be your favorite source for federal employee news. Some readers ask why we accept advertising on a site that highlights topics for the federal community. The answer is that we do not sell subscriptions and the FedSmith website is free and open to everyone. Operating a service that reaches hundreds of thousands of people within the federal community requires considerable resources, and the advertising pays for these expenses and enables us to continue providing this free service. If you enjoy our service, the highest compliment we can receive is a referral to your friends or co-workers.
Thank you for allowing us to serve you for so many years. We wish you a warm, joyous, happy holiday season and look forward to continuing to serve you in 2019!