With the national election now just over a month away, the intensity surrounding this year’s election has picked up even more as the big day draws closer.
This year’s political environment seems even more extreme than usual with concerns about COVID-19, protests and riots taking place in cities around the country, and worries about mail-in ballots impacting the election results.
Federal employees tend to vote in high numbers, pay close attention to the candidates, the issues that matter to them and, of course, are impacted by the results of a national election both as an American citizen and also in their employment as federal workers.
With this in mind, we wanted to poll our readers heading into election day to get a sense of the current voting preferences of the federal workforce in this year’s election.
Our survey is now closed. Thank you for your interest and participation. You can read about the results here: FedSmith Readers Give Slight Edge to Trump Heading Into Election