The Office of Personnel Management will administer the 2021 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) beginning the first week of November.
Survey invitations will be sent to federal employees in two waves. The first will be the week of November 1 and the second will be the week of November 8. Each agency’s survey will be open for approximately 5 weeks.
OPM said that a major consideration for this year’s survey was the interest of most agencies to return to a spring timeframe for administering the survey in 2022. Consequently, OPM said that this year’s survey was developed with the intent of having two surveys in quick succession, so plans for this year’s survey were done with the objective of easing the “administrative burden” of the two back to back surveys.
OPM said that the core questions on the 2021 survey will be identical to 2020’s FEVS.
“Retained core content will allow comparison of survey results between 2021 and prior surveys on key questions, particularly important during a period marked by an ongoing pandemic and to discussions regarding the future of work and re-entry to agency worksites,” said OPM.
Some of the COVID pandemic related items have been kept in place for the 2021 survey since the pandemic is still ongoing.
Results of this and other FEVS will be published on the OPM website.