Will I Receive a COLA When Retiring on January 3, 2013?
A reader who is planning to retire on 1/3/2013 asked if he would have to be off the employment rolls by 12/31/12 to receive the 2012 COLA. Here is the answer.
A reader who is planning to retire on 1/3/2013 asked if he would have to be off the employment rolls by 12/31/12 to receive the 2012 COLA. Here is the answer.
Believe it or not, some federal retirees return to work for the federal government after they have retired. If you think that you might return to federal service, or are simply curious, read this article.
Should you apply for your Social Security benefit at age 62 or later?
Retiring during 2012? You may want to consider “front-loading” your TSP.
The author goes into some of the additional details of TRICARE for Life and discusses dual enrollment in this program and the Federal Employees Health Benefits program.
The author outlines some of the basic principles of Tricare for Life and when a person is eligible.
What happens to your survivor annuity if you are a retired federal employee and there are changes in your life such as a death or divorce?
Exactly how is your retirement income taxed for federal income tax purposes? The author breaks it down piece by piece.
If you are able to invest in the TSP, you should make sure you are getting the most out of it with the government’s matching contributions. The author offers some details on how to take full advantage of this.
When making New Year’s resolutions for your career, the author suggests breaking them down into easily achievable steps and celebrating your small successes. He offers suggestions you can use to improve your job situation in 2012.