Michael Wald

Author: Michael Wald

Michael Wald is a public affairs consultant and writer based in the Atlanta area. He specializes in topics related to government and labor issues. Prior to his retirement from the U.S. Department of Labor, he served as the agency’s Southeast Regional Director of Public Affairs and Southeast Regional Economist.

NARFE Responds To Proposed Postal Reform Legislation Requiring Mandatory Medicare

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association has sharply criticized plans by the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform to require postal retirees, their spouses and survivors to enroll in Medicare Part B or forfeit their coverage in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

Changes in Legislation Requiring Mandatory Medicare is an Improvement But Not the Solution Says NARFE

The House version of a postal reform bill in Congress is better than the Senate version according to NARFE, although it thinks neither is ideal. What effect do these bills have on enrollment options in Medicare, and which federal retirees would be impacted?

Reforming Retiree Health Insurance May Start with Mandatory Medicare, But May Not End There

Image of nurse holding blackboard with word 'medicare' written on it

A House Committee hearing last week looked at reforming the health benefits for postal employees in an effort to deal with the Postal Service’s massive and ongoing financial losses. Could moving postal workers to Medicare ultimately force other federal employees onto this system as well?