OPM Director Outlines Future of “Competitive Sourcing” in Government
In a major policy speech, the director of OPM outlined the administration’s underlying philosophy and objectives in competitive sourcing for government
Current news and events impacting the federal workforce, both current federal employees and federal retirees.
In a major policy speech, the director of OPM outlined the administration’s underlying philosophy and objectives in competitive sourcing for government
Firing a federal employee for performance can be done but it isn’t quick or easy.
GAO has issued a training guide outlining its suggestions to agencies on how to have an effective training program.
OMB official Clay Johnson answers questions from the public on “Ask the White House”
Joseph Whitaker is considered a flight risk and may be denied bail in Louisiana.
A member of the Federal Service Impasses Panel has been arrested on charges of misapplying over $1 million in payments
The Dept. of Agriculture Inspector General issued a report showing widespread misuse of government travel cards. Where is the outrage over this incident?
Baby boomers may be facing a difficult scenario in retirement.
A report from the Inspector General of the USDA finds numerous instances of government charge card abuse by employees.
The federal hiring process has numerous problems. OPM is taking action to try and fix these problems. GAO has recommendations for making it more efficient as the number of government hires is expected to continue increasing.