Some Feds Will See Decreasing Paychecks
OPM has released the COLA payment information for federal employees outside the lower 48 states.
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OPM has released the COLA payment information for federal employees outside the lower 48 states.
A federal attorney violated the Hatch Act and the MSPB has ordered the Small Business Administration to remove him from federal service.
Misuse and fraud of federal charge cards has been a source of embarrassment to numerous federal agencies. Here is advice being distributed to managers and employees in one agency on how to try and prevent or deal with the problem.
Retirement can be a time to reap the benefits of your lifetime of work. Keep in mind that you will still need an income and you may need more money than you think.
The author suggests language that a federal agency may find useful in negotiating with a union.
How does your pay and benefits package compare to the private sector? New statistics compiled by a researcher at the Cato Institute is based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and shows that the average federal employee makes exactly double that of the average private sector employee.
How much money would it take to influence your actions or decisions as a government employee? Federal judges sometimes face this problem and wanted a tax break to avoid the problem.
What is impact and implementation bargaining? How does it impact federal managers and the ability to make change in an agency?
Nearing retirement? You are probably in the CSRS. Be thankful; you are in a system that is a remnant of America’s golden economic age.
Travel and per diem rates for federal employees effective as of October 1, 2006.