Pay, Politics, and Practical Prognostication
Will the election impact the 2005 pay raise? How does your raise compare to private sector? How much will your check increase with a 1.5 or 3.5 percent increase?
Looking for articles on the deferred resignation offer? Find them here.
Will the election impact the 2005 pay raise? How does your raise compare to private sector? How much will your check increase with a 1.5 or 3.5 percent increase?
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has upheld the removal of an IRS employee for improperly releasing taxpayer data.
Federal employee unions worked hard to elect John Kerry. What happens next?
Signing of a new law will make several significant changes to the federal human resources system.
This article explains the Government Pension Offset and how it impacts retired federal employees
Readers expect a delay in the election results but don’t think all the lawyers will determine the outcome of this year’s presidential election
The Commission on Civil Rights continues to defend its management practices in the face of criticism from OPM and GAO.
Here is a strategy some federal employees can use to increase their retirement investment goals.
Here is a quick summary of how to plan for a successful retirement.
The 1978 CSRA established several agencies including the MSPB. MSPB has issued an anniversary newsletter celebrating some of its past achievements.