Federal Agencies Becoming More Fiscally Responsible to Taxpayers
Federal Agencies are becoming more fiscally responsible to taxpayers, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
Federal Agencies are becoming more fiscally responsible to taxpayers, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
Federal employees may get a 2.5% pay increase in 2005 unless Congress intervenes
TSP stock funds are all up for November.
Actions necessary to implement the 2005 pay raise are moving forward.
A certifying officer improperly certified payment for duplicate invoices. She is stuck for the full amount of the mistake totaling more than $5000.
A federal employee fired for downloading government pornography on to his computer at work is fired and the removal is upheld by the Federal Circuit.
Are you a millionaire? Will you become one before you retire?
Federal employees, both civilian and military, can expect to receive a 3.5 percent pay increase in January after Congress approved the increase over the weekend.
OMB has sent a letter to Congress urging a 1.5% raise for federal employees rather than 3.5% proposed by Congress.
FedSmith.com readers are not positive or optimistic about a pay-for-performance system in the federal government.