Labor Relations Update: Few Agencies Volunteer on Permissive Bargaining But There are Surprises in Plan Submissions

The implementation plans for the President’s vision of Federal labor management relations are rolling in. Most tout their continuing commitment to getting along but exceedingly rare are commitments to bargain “permissive” topics. The biggest surprise is the submission by the Office of Personnel Management.

Organizing Bargaining: Practical and Useful Tools to Help Make the Process More Manageable

Bargaining a contract is a lot to get your arms around. The Author offers these tools to make preparation, tracking and figuring out the status of a negotiation simpler. Warning! This article is written for folks who have bargained without structure and wished they had some tools to work with. If you’re a seat of the pants bargainer, shame on you, and this is not for you.

Bargaining Impact and Implementation: Get the Agreement Right

The author has written extensively on FedSmith about the “ins and outs” of bargaining on the impact and implementation(I and I) of agency management decisions. I and I bargaining occurs with great frequency in the Federal sector and generally results in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the agency and the union. This article covers critical points the agency should consider in putting together an MOU.