House Republicans Question Timing of Biden Administration’s Push to Slash Telework
A House Committee is skeptical about the timing of the White House’s announcement to reduce telework for federal employees.
A House Committee is skeptical about the timing of the White House’s announcement to reduce telework for federal employees.
A House Committee is not letting up on its scrutiny of elevated levels of post-pandemic telework.
A House Committee wants information on the level of telework at federal agencies and its impact on performance and service delivery.
A recent report highlighting billions in potential waste in the FEHB program caught the attention of the House Oversight Committee.
The author says a recent House Committee hearing on the FLRA served to attack the agency’s chairman and showed the Congressmen’s lack of knowledge about the law.
The change in Congressional control of the House will result in a new emphasis on federal employee issues. Here is an overview.
A new House Committee report details serious misconduct problems among senior officials at the TSA.
Use of “official time” by federal employee union representatives was the subject of a recent hearing in Congress.
Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) has asked for a subpoena of documents allegedly showing retributions made against State Department employees.
A hearing held by a House Committee yesterday addressed recent proposals to cut federal employees’ retirement benefits.