Pay Freeze Stands for 2019
Because Congress has not overridden the president’s proposed pay freeze, and an Executive Order has been issued freezing pay, no raise is expected in 2019.
Because Congress has not overridden the president’s proposed pay freeze, and an Executive Order has been issued freezing pay, no raise is expected in 2019.
OPM has issued a final rule to add six new locality pay areas in 2019 that will impact roughly 70,000 federal employees.
What are the latest developments on new locality pay areas for 2019, and where does next year’s pay raise stand?
The Federal Salary Council has renewed its call for adding new locality pay areas and added one more geographic area to its list of recommendations.
The Federal Salary Council has made a number of recommendations for expanding and increasing federal locality pay.
OPM is proposing to add about 64,000 federal employees to the locality pay system for GS employees.
There are significant differences in being a federal employee in DC versus another part of the country, and this has an impact on pay.
Which states have the highest average federal salary and which states have the lowest? Here is a complete list.
Does the locality pay raise percentage cited for 2018 include the basic pay raise of 1.4%?
How are the locality pay calculations done? The increase in my 2018 salary with locality pay factored in seems to be lower than what I was expecting.