Why Are the New Locality Pay Increases So Small?
I was shocked by the small pay increases under the new locality areas. Am I missing something?
I was shocked by the small pay increases under the new locality areas. Am I missing something?
Which areas received the biggest locality pay increases in 2019 and which ones received the smallest increases?
FedSmith readers have anxiously been awaiting the finalized salary figures for 2019 that reflect the pay raise. Here is how much your pay will be for the remainder of the year.
The President’s Management Agenda calls for action to establish special occupational pay systems for some federal jobs.
How will the 2019 pay raise impact locality pay, and what does the Pay Agent have to say about new locality pay areas?
Thanks to the spending bill that just became law, federal employees will have a pay raise in 2019, overriding the pay freeze that was previously in place.
A raise of 1.9% appears more likely than seemed possible a few weeks ago. Here is the latest.
Because Congress has not overridden the president’s proposed pay freeze, and an Executive Order has been issued freezing pay, no raise is expected in 2019.
OPM has issued a final rule to add six new locality pay areas in 2019 that will impact roughly 70,000 federal employees.
What are the latest developments on new locality pay areas for 2019, and where does next year’s pay raise stand?