The OPM Retirement Processing Backlog
This is a follow-up article to the author’s article on the OPM retirement processing backlog.
This is a follow-up article to the author’s article on the OPM retirement processing backlog.
OPM director John Berry says agencies are asking the agency for guidance on how to deal with the issue of transgendered employees in the workplace. The result is a new set of guidelines, including restructuring the Official Personnel Folder.
OPM should pay new retirees 100% of the retirement estimate provided by the employing agency. In those few cases where this turns out to be too much, OPM can easily make deductions from future payments. And when the estimate is too low, they can pay more, to catch up. Either way, equity will be served.
Over the years, OPM (Office of Personnel Management) processing time for calculating annuities for new retirees has gotten progressively worse. Is it the increasing workload that is causing the problem? Here are the statistics.
A number of readers have asked about the backlog in processing retirement applications. OPM is making progress. The time it takes to process a retirement action has improved by about 15%. The agency’s goal is to get the processing time down to 45 days.
OPM said in a statement that checks and direct deposits for federal retirees will still be distributed as usual on the first business day of the month.
he second wife of a Federal retiree who remarried after his first wife died has lost her battle to convince the government that she was entitled to a survivor’s annuity.
A man who lied on a federal questionnaire found himself ineligible for a position and debarred from being appointed to a federal job.
The MSPB reversed 30 years of case law to grant employees who should not have a Federal job in the first place the same appeal rights as those who have earned them.
President Obama has given OPM delegated authority “to providing appropriate workplace accommodations for executive branch civilian employees who are nursing mothers.” What does this mean for your agency?