Bear Market In Stocks Impacts TSP Investors’ Attitudes, Approaches to Investing
The bear market in stocks has made some investors skittish about how to invest their money. What is the mood of readers?
Surveys and their results conducted with readers
The bear market in stocks has made some investors skittish about how to invest their money. What is the mood of readers?
Celebrities have gathered a lot of publicity for their position on the War in Iraq. Fedsmith readers speak out on the Hollywood celebrities.
A majority of poll respondents indicated they stay with the government because of the pay and benefits
A majority of respondents give the President a favorable job rating. Comments were strongly worded on both sides.
Majority of respondents support action against Iraq
70% of respondents say they have a “less favorable” view of the UN as a result of recent world events.
Majority of respondents say they are boycotting French products such as wine and cheese
Feds say expenses can be cut in agencies
Can your agency absorb cuts to help with the budget deficit if required to do so? If it can, where would these cuts come from?
High percentage of respondents think an act of terror is “definite” or “likely” but most aren’t doing much about it.