Legislation Repealing the WEP and GPO Signed Into Law
President Biden has signed legislation that repeals the WEP and GPO into law. What will this mean for retired federal employees?
President Biden has signed legislation that repeals the WEP and GPO into law. What will this mean for retired federal employees?
Legislation that would eliminate the WEP and GPO has passed the House and it appears to have more momentum than in the past.
How does the Windfall Elimination Provision apply to CSRS federal employees?
Legislation has been introduced to eliminate the GPO and WEP. It may be successful. What drives the intensity on this issue?
Legislation has been reintroduced to reform the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Federal retiree income may be impacted by the WEP and the GPO. Legislation has advanced in the House to eliminate these provisions.
The author says that a bill proposing to do away with the WEP and GPO would actually be unfair.
Legislation has been reintroduced to replace the WEP with a different formula for impacted federal retirees.
Legislation has been reintroduced to boost the retirement benefits of some federal retirees.