OPM Director John Berry and OMB Deputy Director for Management and Chief Performance Officer Jeffrey Zients recently announced a new performance appraisal system for members of the Senior Executive Service.
“We are pleased to announce the design and issuance of a model Senior Executive Service (SES) performance appraisal system. Drawing from leading practices in Federal agencies and the private sector, working groups of agency representatives – including SES members – developed this system to meet the SES performance management needs of Executive Branch agencies and their SES employees, ” said Berry and Zients.
According to the announcement, agencies will be able to rely on a more uniform framework to set expectations and evaluate employee performance which furthers the original vision of Congress when it enacted the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The system gives particular focus on achieving results through leadership.
The announcement also states, “In addition to promoting greater consistency, the new system will promote greater clarity, transferability, and equity in the development of performance standards, the delivery of feedback, the derivation of ratings, and the link to compensation. The new system will also provide the necessary flexibility and capability for appropriate customization to better meet the needs of all agencies and other Federal organizations (e.g., offices of Inspectors General).”