Majority of Users Would Be Happy With a 3.3% Pay Raise

We asked and you spoke: The majority of users say a 3.3% pay increase for 2015 would be fair.

We asked our users in a recent survey what pay increase for next year they thought would be fair. The majority indicated that 3.3% would be the right amount.

Federal pay has been in the news recently. The president proposed a 1% pay increase for federal workers next year, and that led criticism from federal employee unions with AFGE saying that the raise should be 4%. Our users at the time agreed with that figure. Then legislation was introduced in the House saying federal employees should get a 3.3% pay increase. And most recently, the Senate has introduced companion legislation for a 3.3% raise. Our users now seem to agree with that figure, although our latest survey showed 4% being a close second.

When asked what they thought would be a fair pay raise next year, here’s how the results broke down:

Answer Choices Responses
No Raise 2.13%
1% 4.85%
1.8% 23.85%
3.3% 32.28%
4% 32.01%

Other respondents provided a variety of other possible percentages ranging from as little as 2% to as high as 30%.

Also, the overwhelming majority of respondents believe that the federal workforce should get pay parity with the military, should military members get a 1.8% pay increase next year. 82% of those responding said that federal employees should get the same pay raise as the military, assuming the military ends up with the larger pay increase.

Thanks to all of our users who took the time to share their feedback in our latest survey.


About the Author

Ian Smith is one of the co-founders of He has over 20 years of combined experience in media and government services, having worked at two government contracting firms and an online news and web development company prior to his current role at FedSmith.