Leaving Work Early for the Long Weekend? Proceed Carefully
If you are planning on cutting out of work early to get a jump on the Memorial Day weekend, you may want to think twice about how you record the time on your time card.
If you are planning on cutting out of work early to get a jump on the Memorial Day weekend, you may want to think twice about how you record the time on your time card.
President Obama issued an executive order directing agencies to enhance the digital delivery of government data and also encourage efficient delivery of data via mobile devices.
The author offers some tips on how to avoid sending an emotionally charged email to a friend or co-worker that you might later regret.
A resolution introduced in the House would offer a number of protections for federal employees, not the least of which would be to prevent any increases in the amount that feds would have to contribute towards their retirement benefits.
Just how bad are the Postal Service’s losses? According to a real-time loss counter on Senator Tom Carper’s (D-DE) Web site, they are mounting by the thousands every second and amount to $25 million per day.
Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) has introduced legislation that would encourage federal workers to save at least five percent of their pay in the Thrift Savings Plan.
The House voted Thursday to pass the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act by a vote of 218-199. The legislation is one that would require additional contributions from federal workers towards their retirement plans.
The House Budget Committee has approved a measure that would increase pension contribution amounts for federal employees.
The TSP recently released the results of its participant survey conducted in October of 2011.
In a speech in Manchester, NH this week, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that it is fundamentally unfair that federal employees enjoy better pay and benefits than the workers they serve in the private sector.