Locality Pay Areas in 2025
The latest President’s Pay Agent report contains important information about what federal employees can expect with regards to 2025 locality pay.
The latest President’s Pay Agent report contains important information about what federal employees can expect with regards to 2025 locality pay.
How has the federal workforce changed under Presidents Trump and Biden? Here is a summary of racial composition, total federal employment and salary increases.
A new CBO report found that total compensation of federal employees is 5% higher on average than their private sector counterparts.
The Biden administration has focused on racial equity. Recent data indicate the policies are working as minorities in the federal workforce increase and whites decrease.
OPM is placing restrictions on the use of salary history to ensure equitable pay outcomes for newly hired federal employees.
The average federal salary now tops $100,000—not including the 5.25% average pay raise in 2024. Most federal employees are now in a locality pay area.
Which racial groups have the highest and lowest average salaries? OPM is seeking greater equity by eliminating consideration of prior salary history.
An analysis of recent data suggests the Biden administration’s focus on racial equity may be working to reduce federal pay raises for White employees.
How much has the average federal salary increased in recent years? Which race or gender had the highest average salary in 2021?
What federal agencies had the highest average federal employee salaries in fiscal year 2021?