Efforts Underway to Guarantee Back Pay for Federal Employees in the Event of a Shutdown
Three Congressman are introducing legislation that would ensure that federal workers will be guaranteed backpay in the event of a government shutdown.
Three Congressman are introducing legislation that would ensure that federal workers will be guaranteed backpay in the event of a government shutdown.
The possibility of a shutdown is again facing federal employees at the end of the week. What will happen to your pay if there is a partial government shutdown?
A bipartisan pair of Congressmen distributed a letter to House colleagues yesterday to build support for paying federal workers in the event of a shutdown.
Will DHS employees get paid if the agency shuts down? OPM offers guidance on what would happen to employee pay and benefits should it happen at the end of the month.
A government shutdown does not appear likely to occur. But, as current legislation funding the government expires on December 11, and no new funding legislation has been passed, a shutdown is still possible. What will be the impact on federal pay and benefits if this should occur?
The House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation over the weekend to provide retroactive pay to federal workers, but news about the bill has been quiet since it was sent to the Senate.
Will federal employees who are furloughed during the shutdown be paid for the time away from work?
Legislation has been introduced that would guarantee retroactive pay for federal employees who are furloughed as a result of the government shutdown.
Rep Jim Moran (D-VA) has introduced legislation that would guarantee retroactive pay for federal employees who are furloughed in the event of a government shutdown.
The White House is now on the record as being in favor of reimbursing federal employees’ pay in the event of a shutdown.