The Best of 2015
What were the most popular articles on in 2015?
What were the most popular articles on in 2015?
President Obama has issued an executive order setting 2016 pay rates for federal employees.
Congress has not taken action on the 2016 federal employee pay raise. What does this mean for your GS pay in 2016?
What are the locality pay rates for 2016? President Obama has released his alternative pay plan that gives the percentages for every locality pay area in the country including the 13 new areas.
OPM has released 2016 locality pay area definitions including new locality pay areas and counties impacted by changes to existing locality pay areas.
The Federal Salary Council has concluded, as it has in past years, that federal employees are generally underpaid by about 35%.
About 102,0000 federal employees will receive a pay raise with the addition of new locality pay areas and adding a number of new counties to separate locality pay areas.
Legislation has been introduced in Congress to ensure that there is only one local wage area within a locality pay area. What impact would this legislation have on federal employees’ pay if it were enacted, and what brought about the introduction of the legislation? The author explains what you need to know.
President Obama has issued a letter directing an across-the-board pay raise of 1% for federal employees in 2016.
How much of a difference will locality pay make in your paycheck? This article compares actual locality pay to the “target pay gap” in each locality pay area and how it impacts the salary levels for hundreds of thousands of federal employees.