Medicare If You Work Past the Age of 65

An individual who reaches the age of 65 becomes eligible for Medicare. However, if at the time they become eligible for Medicare, they are working at a job that provides them with health insurance, they will not be subject to the 10% Medicare Part B late enrollment if they enroll in Medicare Part B later than age of 65, as long as they enroll within the eight months after they retire.

When You Leave Federal Service, Will The Government Miss You?

An aging population of federal employees means that many are leaving federal service due to retirement. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) argues that this means there could be a damaging loss of institutional knowledge these federal workers take with them. However, the author points out that the turnover rate among federal employees is very low compared to the private sector and says that the loss of institutional knowledge from retiring federal workers might not be as bad as NARFE is projecting.

G Fund Rate Cuts and a Possible Government Shutdown: NARFE Discusses Priorities for the New Session

With Congress back in session this week, John Hatton, deputy legislative director for NARFE, told that his organization has several priorities in terms of legislation it wants to see passed by Congress to help federal employees, including avoiding another government shutdown and interest rate cuts to the TSP’s G Fund.