The Office of Personnel Management recently announced a change that may require some federal employees to have to re-enroll in identity protection services that are being offered a result of the data breaches that left the personal information of millions of current and former federal employees at risk.
A contract for providing these services through Winvale/CSID expires on December 1st. Because this contract is expiring, federal workers receiving ID protection services under this agreement will have to re-enroll for protection from another company, ID Experts (MyIDCare), to continue to have monitoring services protecting against identity theft. For details, see Some Federal Employees Must Re-Enroll in Identity Protection Program.
A group of lawmakers is concerned that this transition is going to create confusion for the affected federal workers and has sent a letter to acting OPM director Beth Cobert requesting information that shows what the agency is doing to simplify the process.
“The transition to a new service provider may create confusion for the individuals covered by the Winvale/CSID contract,” wrote the lawmakers.
They are asking OPM to provide information such as documents referring to the communication plan to inform impacted individuals about the change as well as the capability of Winvale/CSID to handle the volume of calls it will likely receive during the remaining term of the contract.
A copy of the letter is included below.
2016-11-03 Letter to OPM Re: Winvale/CSID Contract Change