Feds Weigh In With Their Opinions on Attacking Iraq
These are the results of the Fedsmith.com poll conducted during the week of February 10th on whether the United States should attack Iraq.
Current news and events impacting the federal workforce, both current federal employees and federal retirees.
These are the results of the Fedsmith.com poll conducted during the week of February 10th on whether the United States should attack Iraq.
The SEC may get an exemption from civil service hiring procedures.
Investigation of the Challenger accident became political theatre rather than a rational investigation designed to ferret out problems and their cause. The author urges President Bush to learn from that investigation and avoid them in investigating the Columbia tragedy.
The administration and key players in the House and Senate want to change the federal government’s HR system. It may happen this time.
Members of the Public Company Oversight Accounting Board voted salaries for themselves of $452,000 and up. Congress may get involved in rollling them back
the President’s management agenda calls for making government services more available and saving money by using an “e-government” strategy.
Calls for a new military draft are designed to score political points using race and class arguments rather than creating an effective fighting force
Use of free software may not be less expensive that using Windows. Some federal agencies are still going with the “free” version though
There is a positive figure for the September budget but it is still down about $159 billion for the fiscal year
Harvard Reluctantly Accepts Military Recruiters on Campus