Questions You Should Ask Your Financial Adviser
Before you choose a financial adviser, you should interview him or her. These are some good questions to ask.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
Before you choose a financial adviser, you should interview him or her. These are some good questions to ask.
One of the benefits that federal jobs offer is a superior retirement savings plan. Here are a few tips to help you plan ahead so that when the time comes, you can retire in comfort.
Why did the amount of money in your paycheck go down? The controversy and the uproar continues.
A properly implemented insurance plan can save you money, provide flexibility and give you control of that survivorship benefit.
When a Federal employee finds his medical condition prevents one from performing one or more of the essential elements of the job, he is considered “disabled” under the Law, and therefore eligible for Federal Disability Retirement benefits. Such an individual will often not be accommodated by the Agency, if only because “accommodation”is a difficult requirement to fulfill.
A Federal employee with prior military service has the option of making a deposit into the retirement fund, in order to receive credit for this service in his annuity. Is it worthwhile for the employee to make the deposit?
During your working years, there may have been a nagging little voice inside your head worrying about what would happen to your family if you died before you’re able to send your children to college or marry them off. As you get closer to your retirement and the kids seem well on their way to being self sufficient, the worry changes from a concern for your early demise to the other end of the spectrum–living too long.
With tax time approaching, it is a good time for federal retirees to review the taxability of their various sources of retirement income.
We have received numerous queries from readers asking why their annuity payments decreased in January. Here is our explanation of what has occurred.
Long term care insurance has been a source of frustration for some who did not anticipate a significant increase in premiums last year. If you are considering signing up for this insurance plan, do your homework about the costs and potential benefits.