Savings for Federal Retirees You May Not Have Considered
Perhaps you will not need as much in retirement as you think. Here a few ways you will save money in retirement that you may not have considered–from a retired federal employees.
Federal employee retirement news: news about retirement-related topics as it pertains to employees of the federal government. Topics include FERS, CSRS, the latest TSP performance, annual COLA updates, and more.
Perhaps you will not need as much in retirement as you think. Here a few ways you will save money in retirement that you may not have considered–from a retired federal employees.
Happier, more optimistic people tend to be healthier and live longer. Do what makes you happy. And don’t postpone things (like dream trips) indefinitely, on the assumption that you can always take them later.
Federal retirees receive an annual cost of living increase indexed to inflation, but the inflation index may not reflect your true cost of living.
There are several basic rules everyone should follow to ensure you can retire the way you want to retire and not the way you will be forced to retire because you don’t have the money.
A recent survey shows there are six paths to retirement. Some readers have the option to choose among several paths. Others will have the decision thrust upon them because of bad luck or as the result of decisions made during their federal career.
If you are contemplating retirement, surely you have a very clear idea of why you are doing so. Or do you? Based on my own experience and in talking to some of my friends and colleagues, I think there are a fair number of people who retire without having carefully thought through their reasons for doing so.
Do you have a plan mapped out for your life after retirement? This retired federal employee did not have a plan but has survived the change with some ups and downs.
During the last bear market, TSP investors sold billions of dollars of stock funds at the lowest point and put their money into bonds just before the market started up again. During last week’s market drop, hundreds of millions of dollars were transferred into bond funds–after the market drop. is this a good way to fund your retirement future?
The National Active and Retired Federal Employee’s Association (NARFE) favors plans to speed up the arrival of full annuity checks to new retirees but is concerned about the expansion of Health Savings Accounts.
Retirement is a desirable goal for most people. Are you being honest with yourself about how much money you will have and how much you will actually need? Here are some common lies people tell themselves about retirement.