Absolute Performance Standards Are Acceptable Says Court
The Federal Circuit concludes in a case involving a Navy employee that absolute performance standards may be a valid basis for a performance standard.
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The Federal Circuit concludes in a case involving a Navy employee that absolute performance standards may be a valid basis for a performance standard.
Majority of readers support “pay parity”
Transforming business systems at DoD is a complex job and has run into problems in a number of areas. GAO makes several recommendations to make the transformation to new systems work better.
The stock market is down. Should TSP investors dump their stock funds?
OPM has issued a memo to agency heads advising them of restrictions on appointments and awards during election season
TSP considers adding life cycle funds to investment options for TSP investors
Women and men who work for the federal government and are overweight are not paid less according to FedSmith.com readers.
GAO says that the GPRA has established a good foundation of results-oriented performance planning.
TSP investors calling with questions or requests to handle TSP related actions will now have more than one center handling their calls.
Federal employees in San Francisco will end up with the biggest federal pay raise in 2004. Those in Kansas City with the smallest.