2.5% COLA Currently Projected for 2025 Amid December’s 0.4% Inflation Increase
Inflation is not dead, and the projected 2026 COLA is 2.5%. Here is a comparison of COLA and GS pay raises over 10 years.
Inflation is not dead, and the projected 2026 COLA is 2.5%. Here is a comparison of COLA and GS pay raises over 10 years.
“We’re in the money” was a hit song in 1933 as Hollywood tried to project a favorable view of the economy. Today, inflation news is good. “We’re in the money” again.
The March CPI report shows continuing inflation so far in 2024. This may mean a higher 2025 COLA but a negative economic impact on all consumers.
The latest inflation report reflecting economic activity in November has been released. Core inflation is still rising and the index used for the COLA is down.
The 2024 COLA has been released! Here is what federal retirees can expect for next year.
The latest inflation figures are out for June. What is the impact on the 2024 COLA?
Inflation was raging in 1980 and again in 2022. How the government measures inflation has changed, and you will be amazed at the difference.
While the anticipated 2023 federal pay raise is 4.6%, on average, inflation has slowed to an annual increase of 7.1%.
The 2nd month of inflation data used to calculate the COLA payment that will begin in January is now available. Here are the latest figures and COLA projections.
How is inflation measured? Measurement methods have changed. Those who think their decline in purchasing power is higher than reported are probably right.