According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, only one federal employee was laid off due to the recent sequestration budget cuts.
According to the report, “DOJ officials reported that one DOJ component—the U.S. Parole Commission—implemented a reduction in force of one employee to achieve partial savings required by sequestration in fiscal year 2013.”
While this is good news for federal employees overall, that does not mean that impacts of sequestration were not felt in other ways. There were many temporary furloughs that varied in size and scope by agency. GAO notes in its report that seven of the agencies it reviewed furloughed a combined total of more than 770,000 federal employees for 1 to 7 days. The bulk of the furloughs were at the Department of Defense which furloughed a total of 640,500 workers.
The table below shows some additional statistics from the GAO report about furloughs at the agencies it surveyed. (Click on the image to view it at full size)
reduction in force due to sequestration. Please list any impacted positions, by fiscal year, position title and pay scale.
I know we share the goal of ensuring federal resources are used as effectively as possible, and I look forward to working with your office to address these questions.
Tom A. Coburn