House Republicans recently sent a letter to the US Attorney for the District of Columbia outlining what they believe to be evidence that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury in testimony to Congress.
“The four pieces of sworn testimony by Secretary Clinton described herein are incompatible with the FBI’s findings,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) wrote in their letter to U.S. Attorney Channing D. Phillips.
The Congressmen cited four instances which they said indicate contradictions in statements made by Clinton in her testimony. These are:
- Sending and receiving emails with classified information
- Clinton’s lawyers did not read each email in her personal account to identify all work-related items
- Clinton’s use of several different servers and numerous devices to send work-released emails
- Clinton did not provide all of her work-related emails to the Department of Justice
The House Committees had previously requested a perjury investigation, and an August 2 letter from Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Peter Kadzik confirmed receipt of the request. The Congressmen concluded their letter by stating they hope the information in the letter is helpful in consideration of an investigation into Clinton’s statements.
A copy of the letter is included below.
2016-08-15 Letter to Attorney General Phillips Re: Perjury Investigation