What is Going on at FAA?

Since our article concerning secret FAA NATCA negotiations was posted various FedSmith authors and editors have gotten emails (other than the comments already posted), saying that we missed all or part of the story. We decided to share this information with our readers.

Congress Has Some Advice for TSA

According to a new report released by House Congressional leaders, the Transportation Security Administration has lost its focus on air transportation security and instead has become an “enormous, inflexible and distracted bureaucracy.”

TSA: Children Still a Security Risk, Albeit a Smaller One

DHS announced earlier this week that revised security procedures will, in some cases, allow children 12 and under to avoid pat-downs and removing their shoes at security checkpoints. But the TSA said in a recent blog post that children could still be subjected to these things at the discretion of individual TSA officers based on a child’s appearance.

Issa/APWU Skirmish Grows as Union Expands Its Ad Campaign

In a letter to Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), American Postal Workers Union President Cliff Guffey said that the ad campaign the APWU has been running about how the Postal Service is funded is factually accurate and the ads will not be pulled. Not only did the union move forward with running the ads, but it is expanding the ad campaign with phase two launching this week.