Federal Bargaining Endgames: Part Four – Closing With the Panel or an Interest Arbitrator
Here are tips and guidance for negotiators who may use the federal bargaining process.
Federal HR news topics include federal employee unions, labor relations, bargaining, pay/leave and benefits.
Here are tips and guidance for negotiators who may use the federal bargaining process.
Press releases are written to provide a favorable image of an organization or to create an unfavorable image of another person or organization. Federal employee unions issue lots of press releases. Sometimes, the unions attack each other. Here is an example and an analysis of what the press releases really mean.
How do you reach agreement with a union without involving a third party? Here are some practical steps an agency can take based on the experience of an experienced negotiator in the federal sector.
The 2008 election is already underway. Political passion is stirring in some citizens and the e-mail send button is sitting right in front of you. Think before explaining the rationale for your political passion in a personal message to your friends and colleagues by using that convenient government e-mail system. Here’s why.
Agency negotiators who lead management into an unending and apparently unendable morass are not likely to prosper. How do you open a negotiation between a union and an agency and how do you close it?
Applying for a vacancy in the federal government is considerably different than in a private company. If you are applying for jobs in the federal government and the private sector, a successful applicant must know the difference. A federal resume is a resume formatted to meet the needs of federal job openings. When applying for a federal job, more information is required. A “federal resume” is formatted to highlight this specialized information.
As NSPS is challenged in court, DoD is moving out by scrupulously avoiding unionized employees. This gives thousands of DoD professionals a way out–they can form a bargaining unit.
Checking references is an important part of the hiring process. These are legal issues to consider.
Memorandum from Stephen D. Potts, Director, to Designated Agency Ethics Officials Regarding OGE Regulations and an Agency’s Duty to Engage in Collective Bargaining
If you are providing information in response to a reference check, what kind of information can you provide? In this article, the author provides practical advice that can help an agency hire better qualified employees by getting valid, job-related information.