Federal Manager’s Disciplinary and Adverse Action Working Papers
Taking an adverse or disciplinary action against a federal employee is complex and should not be undertaken without understanding the facts of a case.
Federal HR news topics include federal employee unions, labor relations, bargaining, pay/leave and benefits.
Taking an adverse or disciplinary action against a federal employee is complex and should not be undertaken without understanding the facts of a case.
Federal agencies spend millions of dollars each year to subsidize federal employee unions. The reasons for the continued subsidies are complex. The author poses the question: Is it time to stop subsidizing federal employee labor unions?
In the twists and turns of implementing new human resources systems in DoD and DHS, unexpected events may lead to unanticipated results. Could unions end up bargaining on pay at DHS and DoD? Here is how such a scenario could play out in these agencies.
Getting the employee’s side of the story is an important first step in a possible disciplinary action. Here are tips for a federal manager or supervisor on how to prepare for and conduct a meeting on this touchy subject.
Can sending an e-mail message to your friends and colleagues get a federal employee in trouble? Think before hitting the “send” button–the e-mail may come back to haunt you as these federal employees have found.
A legislative proposal would implement a pay for performance system that would create “less anxiety” among federal employees.
The Department of Labor has issued new rules that require union members be notified of their rights as members of a union.
What is “alternative discipline” of a federal employee and how is it implemented?
What are the steps a supervisor or manager should take in analyzing and responding to a grievance? Here is guidance on how to approach an issue that can create problems if not done carefully and thoughtfully.
There is a tool available to agencies that, if used wisely and with some skill, can end an employment relationship in a mutually agreeable manner.