Will Your Spouse Get a Survivor’s Benefit?

Will your spouse get a survivor’s benefit from your civil service annuity? In same cases, you may be surprised to find that the answer is “no”. A group has asked OPM to notify all Civil Service Retirement System participants about a provision that is unknown to many and that could result in a spouse not getting this important benefit.

30 Years of Retirement: What Will You Do?

The plans you have for retirement may be colored by your view of retirement as retiring from something (such as your government job or work). Remember: You are likely to live as long after you retire, as you worked for Uncle Sam prior to your retirement. Look ahead as well as looking back in you retirement planning.

If You Die Before You Retire, What Happens to Your Benefits? Response to Readers’ Questions

Federal retirement expert John Grobe recently wrote an article read by tens of thousands of readers entitled “What Happens to Your Federal Employee Benefits if You Die While Still Working?” Some readers had questions or wanted more information. Here are answers to some of the more frequent questions. Please read this in conjunction with the previous article on this subject.