A Senior IRS Appraiser Played a Lot of Golf on Agency Time
An IRS employee stationed in Hawaii found himself under an IG investigation for abusing official time and sick leave while working on his golf game.
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An IRS employee stationed in Hawaii found himself under an IG investigation for abusing official time and sick leave while working on his golf game.
These are 11 common misconceptions federal employees often have about the TSP.
Are some federal employees receiving locality while living and working outside of that pay area? A report and questions from a Senator highlight the issue.
Access to the TSP at retirement works differently for federal law enforcement officers and special category employees.
The OPM retirement backlog has fallen to a level not seen since 2016.
Why do many federal employees opt to leave federal service at age 57?
The bucket strategy is an effective method to use for successfully managing retirement income.
The G Fund is a unique fund within the TSP which is an overall excellent benefit for federal employees. How does this fund fit into your TSP investments?
News reports imply that the Social Security trust fund is going broke. Should you include Social Security income in your retirement planning?
The Postal Service has released its annual list of the worst cities and states for dog attacks on USPS employees in 2023.