Federal Deficits and Your Federal Employee Retirement
The federal retirement program has a large “unfunded liability.” Will this impact your future retirement?
The federal retirement program has a large “unfunded liability.” Will this impact your future retirement?
One Congressman has taken a stand that is popular with many in his district by announcing he is not using the federal health benefits program or the FERS retirement system because they are better than the benefits available to many taxpayers. How is this likely to work out for him?
The author says that the outcome from a recent court decision is a precedent-setting case and one which will will favorably impact Federal disability retirement annuitants.
In addition to the pay freeze that has been in effect for some time, federal employees are also helping with the government’s spending problem through the involuntary use of the G fund. Here is how that works and how the scenario is likely to play out when all is said and done.
The unfunded liability of the older CSRS retirement system will hit a peak of $684.8 billion by 2023. Your future pension benefits should be secure despite the financial shortfall, according to OPM, as the number of people covered by CSRS continues to decline.
As a federal employee, you may be wondering if your active duty military service is “creditable” toward your civilian retirement. It depends on several factors.
How is your federal employee annuity calculated? It is based on two numbers. Here is how it works.
The Thrift Savings Program (TSP) is the primary retirement savings method for federal employees, and the benefits are well known. The author says that making withdrawals from your TSP account can be complicated and offers some considerations when deciding to make withdrawals.
The author juxtaposes some common federal benefits programs.
There are many things to consider when determining an appropriate asset allocation for your TSP. The author discusses a 3-tier investment strategy that is designed to spread risk out over varying lengths of time.