FEGLI Open Season Starts Today
The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance open season is taking place September 1 – September 30. OPM has provided some important last minute information and resources.
The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance open season is taking place September 1 – September 30. OPM has provided some important last minute information and resources.
The upcoming FEGLI open season runs for the month of September. OPM has provided these resources to help you make the most of it.
The author outlines key components of the FERS system you will need to have a successful retirement.
Should you take advantage of the upcoming FEGLI open season? The open season is an excellent reminder for everyone to re-evaluate their situation and make sure they are properly covered.
These are some questions and answers that cover basic facts about FEGLI as well as considerations for federal employees who may be wondering what actions they should take during the upcoming open season.
The Office of Personnel Management has released a revised program booklet with important information on the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI).
Are you taking full advantage of the benefits available to you as a federal employee under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)? In the second article in the series, the author discusses actions federal employees should take to help them prepare for a successful retirement.
What if your life insurance could also provide coverage for you during your lifetime? The author discusses the concept of using living benefits as they apply to federal employees covered by FEGLI and FEHB.
The Office of Personnel Management has released some important questions and answers about the upcoming FEGLI open season later this year.
As of January 1, 2016, premiums for many options and age brackets under the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program will change due to actuarial adjustments. Here is a breakdown of the new premiums.