Some Federal Employees Could Get Inflation Bonus in 2023
A draft bill in Congress is proposing paying some federal employees a 2023 inflation bonus to help offset rapidly rising inflation.
A draft bill in Congress is proposing paying some federal employees a 2023 inflation bonus to help offset rapidly rising inflation.
Inflation and the 2023 COLA have captured the interest of many readers. Here are the latest figures as of June 2022.
As 2022 TSP performance suffers amid a declining stock market, TSP transfers to the G Fund increased 249% in one month. The G Fund is now the largest TSP Fund.
What are the prospects for a larger 2023 federal pay raise? Will the highest inflation in 40 years have an impact?
Your annual leave at retirement is an opportunity to start that emergency fund you’ve been neglecting.
Two of the TSP stock funds are now in bear market territory and inflation is raging. What does history show about a federal pay raise during high inflation?
The 2022 inflation rate is rising rapidly. Here is why the TSP funds have fallen sharply and what it all means for the 2023 COLA estimate.
The TSP has been volatile and significant changes for the TSP are imminent. All TSP Funds are down in 2022 except for the G Fund.
The increase in the inflation rate slowed in April but is still rising at a pace not experienced in decades. What is the impact on the 2023 COLA and the TSP?
The performance of the TSP funds so far in 2022 reflects the worst start for stocks since World War II.